A hand-drawn logo reading 'TELEPOET'. The O is stylized to be a crescent moon.
A pink 88x31 reading 'Neocities: the web is STILL yours'. A gray 88x31 with the Google Chrome logo crossed out, reading 'Anything but chrome'. A rainbow gradient 88x31 reading 'you're telling me a queer coded this'. A gray 88x31 reading 'best viewed on desktop'. A dark gray 88x31 with a caution symbol, reading 'Warning: Page contains Javascript!'.

A drawing of Nova, Parker's mascot, sitting with a curious expression and their knees to their chest while leaning against the side of the main page container.

welcome to my webcorner!
as my designated dumping grounds to practice coding and true of all things i make on the web, this page is perpetually a work in progress, chock full of unoptimized jank, and made with love. thanks for stopping by!